
Friday 14 September 2012

Financial Plan

The pleasure of planning when it works out is simply awesome.

139 days ago we decided to put a little financial plan into motion. Those accustomed to FX will know that it is not easy, it can be extremely frustrating and demoralizing.With this in mind we set a plan in motion, it was simple, buy the Swiss Frank and hold until profit.

The Swiss Frank CHF is pegged at 1.2 to 1 Euro, this means it will not go below 1.2.

We placed a Long trade at 1.206 and we committed to not touching the trade until it had made significant movement to our benefit. We based this on the fact that CHF is the only currency still backed by gold and that if it were allowed to float it would get strong and harm the Swiss economy. So, the plan was buy in, stay in and close in decent profit. Simple, straight forward, plan. Today, 139 days later, we closed 4 positions in excess of 150% return.

Planning is pleasure in many ways what it is as well is commitment. Planning to us means many things, not least of which is love. Planning and sticking to a long term plan that ultimately ensures the safety and security of those whom you are responsible for, requires great caring and love...especially when it requires focused and determined sacrifice (what we call work).

Have a great weekend, we wish you all the best of good plans!


1 comment:

  1. How can i contact you? Email? Phone number? Please email it to me at Currently getting work done by you, want to get more done.
